Elle’s Christmas litter of mini F1B Cavapoos will be ready to go home the week of Christmas!!
6 Girls!!
Elle is 19 lb F1 Cavapoo
Saylor is an 8 lb red miniature poodle.
Puppies will weigh between 12 and 16 lbs full grown.
Prices range between $2500 to $3500 for these girls.
$900 holds your pick.
Fill out a puppy application for more information. We are happy to do a FaceTime video call once an application has been completed.
You are welcome to pick your puppy up anytime, the week of Christmas. We are also happy to do a FaceTime with you and your Family on Christmas morning if you are not local.
We have a flight Nanny that can deliver your puppy to you at your local airport for a small fee plus the price of a flight. We are also willing to meet you at one of our local airports. SLC or Provo
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